Mixed Media Collage with Val Pettifer at the Old School Studio

Val Pettifer's Artwork

Val Pettifer’s Artwork

In June I attended a very enjoyable two day mixed media collage workshop with Val Pettifer at The Old School Studio in  Whittlesford Cambridge.  It was my first attempt at this sort of art and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

The following photos take you through the progression of the picture as Val showed us step-by-step.  My picture was based on a photograph I had taken of a market while on holiday in Italy, although the people are cut from  photos I took at a 1940’s weekend:

DSC_1999 DSC_2014 DSC_2015 DSC_2021 DSC_3286That’s my mum and son on the bottom right of the above photo!

And this artwork below (which I did before attending Val’s course) is of a rustic cafe in France.


I learned a lot on Val’s course and she was very generous with sharing information and help as well as materials.  I’m thinking of these pictures as a starting point for my art and that I have a little way to go before I develop a style which is completely my own.  That said, it is extremely difficult to judge your own work as all you can see, when you made it yourself, are the mistakes!

I still want to experiment with linocut and collage but haven’t found the time yet so just have the ideas going around in my head at the moment!

These two paintings were exhibited at White House Arts at the Cambridge Open Studios – see my other blog for info on that.

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